zbMath0984.00001MaRDI QIDQ2770573
Serge Lang
Publication date: 13 February 2002
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to algebraic geometry (14-01)
Mathematics in general (00A05)
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to number theory (11-01)
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to commutative algebra (13-01)
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to group theory (20-01)
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to linear algebra (15-01)
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to field theory (12-01)
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to category theory (18-01)
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to associative rings and algebras (16-01)
Quartic polynomials and the Hasse norm theorem modulo squares,
Computable dimension for ordered fields,
Fields on the bottom,
Secret-sharing matroids need not be algebraic,
Complex structures on real vector lattices,
Reductions of algebraic integers,
\(p\)-adic Taylor polynomials,
Specialization results and ramification conditions,
Converting high order linear PDEs to first order,
On the diameter of the commuting graph of the matrix ring over a centrally finite division ring,
Is it possible to find for any \(n,m\in\mathbb N\) a Jordan algebra of nilpotency type \((n,1,m)\)?,
Neighborhood radius estimation for Arnold's miniversal deformations of complex and \(p\)-adic matrices,
Residue fields for a class of rational \(\mathbf E_{\infty}\)-rings and applications,
Overconvergent subanalytic subsets in the framework of Berkovich spaces,
Orbit space reduction and localizations,
Gröbner bases and their application to the Cauchy problem on finitely generated affine monoids,
HT90 and ``simplest number fields, Greatest common divisors of \(u-1, v-1\) in positive characteristic and rational points on curves over finite fields, Bicovering arcs and small complete caps from elliptic curves, Gauge symmetry and Howe duality in 4D conformal field theory models, Irreducibility testing of finite nilpotent linear groups., Commuting Pauli Hamiltonians as maps between free modules, Algebraic/combinatorial proofs of Cayley-type identities for derivatives of determinants and Pfaffians, Degrees of orders on torsion-free abelian groups, How to compute the Frobenius-Schur indicator of a unipotent character of a finite Coxeter system., Universal deformation rings for the symmetric group \(S_5\) and one of its double covers., On some sets of generators of finite groups., Infinite dimensional proper subspaces of computable vector spaces, On the Hermitian curve and its intersections with some conics, Sparse permutations with low differential uniformity, Active lattices determine \(\mathrm{AW}^\ast\)-algebras, On the summability of bivariate rational functions, Competitive equilibrium with intuitionistic agents, A bialgebraic approach to automata and formal language theory, A combinatorial method for topology adaptations in 3D deformable models, Robust algebraic segmentation of mixed rigid-body and planar motions from two views, Mehler formulae for matching polynomials of graphs and independence polynomials of clawfree graphs, On simultaneous rational approximation to a real number and its integral powers, Minimal affinizations as projective objects, Equivariant sheaves on flag varieties, Decomposing polynomial sets into simple sets over finite fields: the zero-dimensional case, Homology of balanced complexes via the Fourier transform, Galois theory over rings of arithmetic power series, Indecomposable and noncrossed product division algebras over function fields of smooth \(p\)-adic curves., Reprint of: ``Minimal affinizations as projective objects,
Stabilizers of subspaces under similitudes of the Klein quadric, and automorphisms of Heisenberg algebras,
A unified quantum \(SO(3)\) invariant for rational homology 3-spheres,
To what extent is a large space of matrices not closed under product?,
Representations of Yang-Mills algebras,
A height gap theorem for finite subsets of \(\mathrm{GL}_{d}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}})\) and nonamenable subgroups,
On the reconstruction of planar lattice-convex sets from the covariogram,
Compact group automorphisms, addition formulas and Fuglede-Kadison determinants,
Difference algebra and system identification,
Relaxed algorithms for \(p\)-adic numbers,
A supercharacter analogue for normality.,
Asymptotics of class number and genus for abelian extensions of an algebraic function field,
Sufficient conditions for a conjecture of Ryser about Hadamard circulant matrices,
Six-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras,
On the computation of \(\pi\)-flat outputs for linear time-varying differential-delay systems,
Homomorphisms on infinite direct product algebras, especially Lie algebras,
The Combinatorial Nullstellensätze revisited,
On the essential dimension of cyclic groups,
Irreducible values of polynomials,
Reflection factorizations of Singer cycles,
Using elimination theory to construct rigid matrices,
Surfaces with surjective endomorphisms of any given degree,
Linearised higher variational equations,
The order of the reductions of an algebraic integer,
Generic extensions and generic polynomials for multiplicative groups,
Galois extensions, plus closure, and maps on local cohomology,
Grothendieck rings of theories of modules,
Recurrent sequences of polynomials in three-dimensional topology,
Bell numbers modulo a prime number, traces and trinomials,
\(GL(m|n)\)-supermodules with good and Weyl filtrations.,
The weight spectrum of certain affine Grassmann codes,
Resultants of minimal polynomials of maximal real cyclotomic extensions,
Virtual rational Betti numbers of abelian-by-polycyclic groups.,
Grunwald-Wang theorem, an effective version,
A density theorem and its application,
Beating the generator-enumeration bound for \(p\)-group isomorphism,
Positive existential definability of multiplication from addition and the range of a polynomial,
Support recovery for sparse super-resolution of positive measures,
On the reducibility behavior of Thue polynomials,
On the center-valued Atiyah conjecture for \(L^2\)-Betti numbers,
Tensor functors between Morita duals of fusion categories,
The determinants of the block band matrices based on the \(n\)-dimensional Fourier equation. I,
The determinants of the block band matrices based on the \(n\)-dimensional Fourier equation. II,
Integer points in backward orbits,
Algebraic integrability of polynomial differential \(r\)-forms,
Born-Infeld kinematics,
Applications of dimensionality reduction and exponential sums to graph automorphism,
The linear preservers of real diagonalizable matrices,
Wilson loops in the light of spin networks,
Computing Fourier transforms and convolutions of \(S_{n - 1}\)-invariant signals on \(S_n\) in time linear in \(n\),
Structural relations of harmonic sums and Mellin transforms up to weight \(w=5\),
Linear maps on \(k^{I}\), and homomorphic images of infinite direct product algebras,
Null ideals of matrices over residue class rings of principal ideal domains,
Universal problem for Kähler differentials in \(\mathcal A\)-modules: non-commutative and commutative cases,
Splines, lattice points, and arithmetic matroids,
Global minimal models for endomorphisms of projective space,
Transitive groups of similitudes generated by octonions,
Generating families of irreducible quartics over \(\mathbb {Q}\),
On finite simple images of triangle groups,
Fractal surfaces from simple arithmetic operations,
Supersymmetry algebras in arbitrary signature and their R-symmetry groups,
Simplification of nested real radicals revisited,
Increasing positive monoids of ordered fields are FF-monoids,
On duals and parity-checks of convolutional codes over \(\mathbb{Z}_{p^r}\),
Group codes of dimension 2 and 3 are abelian,
ZCZ -- achieving \(n\)-bit SPRP security with a minimal number of tweakable-block-cipher calls,
Kato-Milne cohomology and polynomial forms,
On non-\(\pm\)holomorphic conformal minimal two-spheres in a complex Grassmannian \(G(2,5)\) with constant curvature,
Mean dimension, mean rank, and von Neumann-Lück rank,
Definable transductions and weighted logics for texts,
Wild tame-by-cyclic extensions,
A Grothendieck module with applications to Poincaré rationality,
Refinement equations and spline functions,
Affine linear sieve, expanders, and sum-product,
Automorphism groups over Hilbertian fields,
Algebraic relations between harmonic sums and associated quantities.,
\(L\)-functions of twisted Legendre curves,
Geometric location of periodic points of 2-ramified power series,
Diophantine approximation constants for varieties over function fields,
Artin-Schreier extensions of normal bases,
Carnot-Carathéodory metric and gauge fluctuation in noncommutative geometry,
Cyclic compositions and trisotopies,
Coefficients for the Farrell-Jones conjecture,
Moment systems derived from relativistic kinetic equations,
On Bouc's and Thévenaz's conjectures on \(B\)-groups,
Symplectic spaces and pairs of symmetric and nonsingular skew-symmetric matrices under congruence,
Direct twisted Galois stratification,
\(F\)-isocrystals and homotopy types,
On the normalization of numbers and functions defined by radicals,
Constructing thin subgroups commensurable with the figure-eight knot group,
\(p\)-adic automorphic \(L\)-functions on \(\mathrm{GL}(3)\),
Mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces. I,
Explicit Drinfeld moduli schemes and Abhyankar's generalized iteration conjecture,
The model theory of separably tame valued fields,
Propagating weights of tori along free resolutions,
Asymptotic results for the number of Wagner's solutions to a generalised birthday problem,
Webs invariant by rational maps on surfaces,
Generating invariants for non-linear loops by linear algebraic methods,
On the lower bound in the lattice point remainder problem for a parallelepiped,
Extraction of mth roots in matrix rings over fields,
Analytical and formal classifications of quasi-homogeneous foliations in \((\mathbb C^2, 0)\),
Consistency conditions in the chiral ring of super-Yang-Mills theories,
Equations in \(p\)-curvature and intertwiners,
Adjoint computation for hypersurfaces using formal desingularizations,
Ergodic theory, abelian groups and point processes induced by stable random fields,
A new method of constructing a lattice basis and its applications to cryptanalyse short exponent RSA,
Auxiliary functions in transcendental number theory,
The Smith-Toda complex \(V((p + 1)/2)\) does not exist,
Invariance of simultaneous similarity and equivalence of matrices under extension of the ground field,
Reciprocal relations between cyclotomic fields,
Rational periodic points for quadratic maps,
On quasi-cyclic codes as a generalization of cyclic codes,
Extended formulations for polygons,
Stationarity and geometric ergodicity of BEKK multivariate GARCH models,
A geometric index reduction method for implicit systems of differential algebraic equations,
Comparing different versions of tiling cohomology,
Euler characteristics of Hilbert schemes of points on simple surface singularities,
Non-commutative desingularization of determinantal varieties. I,
Witt's theorem in abstract geometric algebra,
On the existence of equiangular tight frames,
On the product of vector spaces in a commutative field extension,
Intersection homology Künneth theorems,
Isometric embeddings of real projective spaces into Euclidean spaces,
On pseudo algebraically closed extensions of fields,
Valuation bases for generalized algebraic series fields,
Enumerating bases of self-dual matroids,
A recursion formula for the characteristic polynomial of Hessenberg matrices,
The Jones polynomial of ribbon links,
Valuations on rational function fields that are invariant under permutation of the variables,
Strain gradient plasticity: energetic or dissipative?,
The end-parameters of a Leonard pair,
Non-vanishing of Dirichlet series with periodic coefficients,
An exceptional isomorphism between modular curves of level 13,
Group-theoretic dimension of stationary symmetric \(\alpha\)-stable random fields,
Euler systems for Rankin-Selberg convolutions of modular forms,
Polynomial generating pairing and its criterion for optimal pairing,
De l'application des méthodes valuatives en algèbre différentielle,
Computing topological zeta functions of groups, algebras, and modules. II.,
Forms of an affinoid disc and ramification,
Long-term analysis of numerical integrators for oscillatory Hamiltonian systems under minimal non-resonance conditions,
Periodic points, linearizing maps, and the dynamical Mordell-Lang problem,
Some consequences of Schanuel's conjecture,
On the powers and the inverse of a tridiagonal matrix,
Torsion points on elliptic curves over function fields and a theorem of Igusa,
Integrability of Hamiltonian systems with homogeneous potentials of degree zero,
Evaluation techniques for zero-dimensional primary decomposition,
Cyclic sieving of finite Grassmannians and flag varieties,
Compact domination for groups definable in linear o-minimal structures,
Continuity of bilinear maps on direct sums of topological vector spaces,
Conjugacy classes of series in positive characteristic and Witt vectors,
Complexity of prime-dimensional sequences over a finite field,
A characterization of large Dedekind domains,
Grothendieck's pairing on Néron component groups: Galois descent from the semistable case,
Rank and duality in representation theory,
Born-Infeld kinematics and correction to the Thomas precession,
Module theoretic approach to controllability of convolutional systems,
The general relativistic constraint equations,
Formal self duality,
Explicit Artin maps into \(\mathrm{PGL}_2\),
Abundance of Dirichlet-improvable pairs with respect to arbitrary norms,
Rational values of transcendental functions and arithmetic dynamics,
Pairs of maps preserving singularity on subsets of matrix algebras,
A compressed \(\varSigma \)-protocol theory for lattices,
Proof of Cayley-Hamilton theorem using polynomials over the algebra of module endomorphisms,
Finite group characters on free resolutions,
On the Brauer \(p\)-dimension of Henselian discrete valued fields of residual characteristic \(p > 0\),
Partial traces on additive categories,
Note on structural properties of graphs,
The zonoid algebra, generalized mixed volumes, and random determinants,
Pronilpotent quotients associated with primitive substitutions,
Cancellation of finite-dimensional Noetherian modules,
Comments on efficient batch verification test for digital signatures based on elliptic curves,
Principal series representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras for Kac-Moody groups over local fields,
A class formula for admissible Anderson modules,
Explicit Kronecker-Weyl theorems and applications to prime number races,
Loci of 3-periodics in an Elliptic Billiard: why so many ellipses?,
Poset exponentiation and a counterexample Birkhoff said in 1942 he did not have,
Snowflake modules and Enright functor for Kac-Moody superalgebras,
A new criterion for almost controllable graphs being determined by their generalized spectra,
On networks over finite rings,
Computing Riemann-Roch spaces via Puiseux expansions,
Isometric and selfadjoint operators on a vector space with nondegenerate diagonalizable form,
On valuation independence and defectless extensions of valued fields,
An abelian analogue of Schanuel's conjecture and applications,
Symmetric Khovanov-Rozansky link homologies,
Periodic Jacobi matrices on trees,
Reciprocity by resultant in \(k[t\)],
Topological entanglement entropy in \(d\)-dimensions for abelian higher gauge theories,
Entire functions polynomially bounded in several variables,
Boundary null-controllability of semi-discrete coupled parabolic systems in some multi-dimensional geometries,
Symmetry of eigenvalues of Sylvester matrices and tensors,
A note on the Knaster-Tarski fixpoint theorem,
Exponentially small splitting of separatrices associated to 3D whiskered tori with cubic frequencies,
A note on decidable categoricity and index sets,
On groups with unbounded Cayley graphs,
Automorphisms of Witt rings of local type,
Cox rings of \(K3\) surfaces of Picard number three,
A finiteness theorem for special unitary groups of quaternionic skew-Hermitian forms with good reduction,
Approximation theorems for spaces of localities,
Some effective estimates for André-Oort in \(Y(1)^n\),
Galois groups over rational function fields and explicit Hilbert irreducibility,
Generating sequences and semigroups of valuations on 2-dimensional normal local rings,
Computation of Belyi maps with prescribed ramification and applications in Galois theory,
Perturbed \((2n - 1)\)-dimensional Kepler problem and the nilpotent adjoint orbits of \(\operatorname{U}(n, n)\),
Darboux-Jouanolou integrability over arbitrary fields,
Graph calculus and the disconnected-boundary Schwinger-Dyson equations of quartic tensor field theories,
The unit theorem for finite-dimensional algebras,
Evaluation of Abramowitz functions in the right half of the complex plane,
On nonsingularity of circulant matrices,
On injectivity of quantum finite automata,
Almost-simple affine difference algebraic groups,
The fourth moment of derivatives of Dirichlet \(L\)-functions in function fields,
Levi problem: complement of a closed subspace in a Stein space and its applications,
Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of binoids,
On the Kodaira dimension of maximal orders,
Cyclic extensions and the local lifting problem,
The Oort conjecture on lifting covers of curves,
Polynomial functions and the Riesz interpolation property,
On solvability of the automorphism group of a finite-dimensional algebra,
On second moment of Selberg zeta-function for \(\sigma =1\),
Two lives: compositions of unimodular rows,
Artin-Schreier root stacks,
Uniqueness criterion and Cramer's rule for implicit higher order linear difference equations over \(\mathbf{Z} \),
On the enumeration of a certain type of hyperplane arrangements,
Remark on subgroup intersection graph of finite abelian groups,
An algebraic approach for the search space of permutations with repetition,
A non-hypergeometric \(E\)-function,
How far is an extension of \(p\)-adic fields from having a normal integral basis?,
Homology of \(GL_n\) over infinite fields outside the stability range,
Weight hierarchies of a family of linear codes associated with degenerate quadratic forms,
On supersingular loci of Shimura varieties for quaternionic unitary groups of degree 2,
Lexicographic Gröbner bases of bivariate polynomials modulo a univariate one,
Kuroda's formula and arithmetic statistics,
Theory and applications of linearized multivariate skew polynomials,
The monomial lattice in modular symmetric power representations,
On \(C^\ast\)-norms on \(\mathbb{Z}_2\)-graded tensor products,
The wild McKay correspondence for cyclic groups of prime power order,
On Runge pairs and topology of axially symmetric domains,
Semi-abelian analogues of Schanuel conjecture and applications,
Arithmetic statistics and noncommutative Iwasawa theory,
A note on finite embedding problems with nilpotent kernel,
An effective version of the primitive element theorem,
On MDS geometric \(\mathbb{F}_q\)-linear \(\mathbb{F}_{q^t} \)-codes,
Motivic stable homotopy theory is strictly commutative at the characteristic,
On trace zero matrices and commutators,
Accelerating abelian random walks with hyperbolic dynamics,
Computing splitting fields using Galois theory and other Galois constructions,
On the structure of the solutions to the matrix equation \(G^\ast JG = J\),
A formalization of Dedekind domains and class groups of global fields,
Kummer theory for multiquadratic or quartic cyclic number fields,
Simple periodic boundary conditions for molecular simulation of uniaxial flow,
Infinite-order differential operators in the module of formal generalized functions and in a ring of formal power series,
Local positivity and effective Diophantine approximation,
Topological fields with a generic derivation,
Doubly stochastic matrices and Schur-Weyl duality for partition algebras,
A refinement of Christol's theorem for algebraic power series,
Examples of non-commutative crepant resolutions of Cohen Macaulay normal domains,
Structure indicators for transportation graph analysis. I: Planar connected simple graphs,
Hilbert's tenth problem over function fields of positive characteristic not containing the algebraic closure of a finite field,
Computing \(J\)-ideals of a matrix over a principal ideal domain,
Generalization of Roth's solvability criteria to systems of matrix equations,
An introduction to associative geometry with applications to integrable systems,
Van den Essen's theorem on the de Rham cohomology of a holonomic \(\mathcal{D}\)-module over a formal power series ring,
A few comments on conformal spin structures and conformal \(\mathrm{U}(1)\)-spin structures on a pseudo-Riemannian \(2r\)-dimensional manifold \(V\),
Roots of unity in orders,
Generic Picard-Vessiot extensions for connected-by-finite groups.,
Class numbers of orders in complex quartic fields,
Coherence in SMCCs and equivalences on derivations in IMML with unit,
Representations of super Yang-Mills algebras,
Cyclic additive codes,
Effectively categorical abelian groups,
Linearly small elation quadrangles,
Butcher algebras for Butcher systems,
Recent results on quiver sheaves,
On the 16-rank of class groups of \({\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-8p})}\) for \({p \equiv -1 \bmod 4}\),
Linear equations over multiplicative groups in positive characteristic. II.,
Van der Waerden rings,
A classification theorem for boundary 2-transitive automorphism groups of trees,
Lattices with symmetry,
Dynamically distinguishing polynomials,
Algebraic and algorithmic aspects of radical parametrizations,
On polynomially integrable convex bodies,
The sandwich theorem via Pataraia's fixed point theorem,
Groups acting on rooted trees and their representations on the boundary,
A survey on Albert algebras,
Distances of elements in valued field extensions,
Torus partition function of the six-vertex model from algebraic geometry,
Arithmetical semirings,
A concise proof of the Kronecker polynomial system solver from scratch,
On the trivectors of a 6-dimensional symplectic vector space,
Compositions and collisions at degree \(p^2\),
On Dixmier-Duflo isomorphism in positive characteristic -- the classical nilpotent case,
The kernel unipotent conjecture and the vanishing of Massey products for odd rigid fields,
The Laplacian of a uniform hypergraph,
Resultants and discriminants of multiplication polynomials for elliptic curves,
Large 2-groups of automorphisms of algebraic curves over a field of characteristic 2,
A note on the Eisenbud-Mazur conjecture,
Every totally real algebraic integer is a tree eigenvalue,
Computing in degree \(2^k\)-extensions of finite fields of odd characteristic,
Reflection theorems and the \(p\)-Sylow subgroup of \(K_{2}O_F\) for a number field \(F\),
Generic extensions and generic polynomials for semidirect products,
Elimination of ramification. II: Henselian rationality,
Arithmetic functions and the Cauchy product,
Connectedness of the moduli space of Artin-Schreier curves of fixed genus,
Variational formulation of divergence stability for constrained systems,
Generalizations of intersection homology and perverse sheaves with duality over the integers,
Constructing extremal compatible quantum observables by means of two mutually unbiased bases,
A new inequality about matrix products and a Berger-Wang formula,
Large arboreal Galois representations,
Recent results of quantum ergodicity on graphs and further investigation,
A new proof of the Tikuisis-White-Winter theorem,
Polynomial products modulo primes and applications,
Discretized sum-product estimates in matrix algebras,
Compact finite difference schemes of arbitrary order for the Poisson equation in arbitrary dimensions,
Obstruction class for the existence of a conformal spin structure in a strict sense,
The path algebra as a left adjoint functor,
A general Banach-Stone type theorem and applications,
Borsuk number for planar convex bodies,
Counting fixed points and rooted closed walks of the singular map \(x \mapsto x^{x^n}\) modulo powers of a prime,
Integral points on generalised affine Châtelet surfaces,
Non-catastrophicity in multidimensional convolutional coding,
Noncyclic division algebras over fields of Brauer dimension one,
Differential categories revisited,
Expansivity on commutative rings,
Spacetimes with distributional semi-Riemannian metrics and their curvature,
Spectra of convex hulls of matrix groups,
Some new \(q\)-congruences for truncated basic hypergeometric series,
Affine semipolar spaces,
A degree problem for the compositum of two number fields,
Irreducible polynomials over finite fields produced by composition of quadratics,
On planar polynomial vector fields with elementary first integrals,
On the spectrum of multi-frequency quasiperiodic Schrödinger operators with large coupling,
On the Colmez conjecture for non-abelian CM fields,
On the computation of Darboux first integrals of a class of planar polynomial vector fields,
Design and analysis of fractional factorial experiments from the viewpoint of computational algebraic statistics,
Higher Gauss sums of modular categories,
On the multilevel internal structure of the asymptotic distribution of resonances,
Correction and notes to the paper ``A classification of Artin-Schreier defect extensions and characterizations of defectless fields, Growth of graded twisted Calabi-Yau algebras, Homomorphisms of matrix algebras and constructions of Butson-Hadamard matrices, Residue field domination in real closed valued fields, Finite formal model of toric singularities, A century of Sierpiński-Zygmund functions, Grothendieck constant is norm of Strassen matrix multiplication tensor, On the level of modular curves that give rise to isolated \(j\)-invariants, A homogenization result in the gradient theory of phase transitions, On relations for rings generated by algebraic numbers and their conjugates, On persistent excitations for the identification of switched linear dynamical systems over finite fields, On convex projective manifolds and cusps, \(K\)-theory for Leavitt path algebras: computation and classification., Chinese remainder theorem for cyclotomic polynomials in \(\mathbb Z[X\)], Canonical heights of toric subvarieties, Some algebraic differential equations with few transcendental solutions, Polynomial-time algorithms for quadratic isomorphism of polynomials: the regular case, Generating invariants for non-linear hybrid systems, Invariant random subgroups of linear groups, Topological Hochschild cohomology and generalized Morita equivalence., Resolution lower bounds for perfect matching principles, On the Iwasawa algebra for pro-\(l\) Galois groups, Algebraic matroids and Frobenius flocks, Criterion for connections on principal bundles over a pointed Riemann surface, Formalization of the Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem, Geometric axioms for differentially closed fields with several commuting derivations, About Gordan's algorithm for binary forms, Criterion for logarithmic connections with prescribed residues, On monoid graded local rings., Lehmer's conjecture for polynomials satisfying a congruence divisibility condition and an analogue for elliptic curves, Group homomorphic encryption: characterizations, impossibility results, and applications, Pretty good quantum state transfer in symmetric spin networks via magnetic field, Invariance and definability, with and without equality, Counting number fields in fibers (with an appendix by Jean Gillibert), A new criterion for affineness, Constructing ideal secret sharing schemes based on Chinese remainder theorem, Pseudocompact algebras and highest weight categories, Resultants and discriminants of the multiplication polynomials of Jacobi elliptic functions, Coherent functors and asymptotic stability, The predictable degree property and minimality in multidimensional convolutional coding, Universal deformation rings, endo-trivial modules, and semidihedral and generalized quaternion 2-groups, On invariant fields of vectors and covectors, Quasi-formations, Arithmetic Levi-Cività connection, The Kummerian property and maximal pro-\(p\) Galois groups, The de Rham isomorphism for Drinfeld modules over Tate algebras, On the Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for Poisson-Hopf algebras, Mini-workshop: Reflectionless operators: the Deift and Simon conjectures. Abstracts from the mini-workshop held October 22--28, 2017, Derivations on group algebras with coding theory applications, An algebraic approach to discrete dilations. ation to discrete wavelet transforms, Asymptotic expansion of the mean-field approximation, Primality testing with Gaussian periods, Coalescence times for three genes provide sufficient information to distinguish population structure from population size changes, Integrable bounded weight modules of classical Lie superalgebras at infinity, Representations of the Lie algebra of vector fields on a sphere, Model theoretic dynamics in Galois fashion, Measurement uncertainty relations for discrete observables: relative entropy formulation, Optimal line packings from nonabelian groups, Automorphism groups of dense subgroups of \(\mathbb{R}^n\), Rel leaves of the Arnoux-Yoccoz surfaces, Arithmetic local constants for abelian varieties with extra endomorphisms, Maxima of stable random fields, nonsingular actions and finitely generated abelian groups: a survey, Galois groups in a family of dynatomic polynomials, Kähler submanifolds of the symmetrized polydisc, Construction of the Lindström valuation of an algebraic extension, The E-normal structure of odd dimensional unitary groups, On the Wiener-Hopf factorization of rational matrices, Intrinsic and apparent singularities in differentially flat systems, and application to global motion planning, On degrees of modular common divisors and the big prime gcd algorithm, Effective simulation of state distribution in qubit chains, On finite field arithmetic in characteristic 2, Roos bound for skew cyclic codes in Hamming and rank metric, Even points on an algebraic curve, Bounded generation of \(\mathrm{SL}_2\) over rings of \(S\)-integers with infinitely many units, Variable neighborhood algebraic differential evolution: an application to the linear ordering problem with cumulative costs, An integro-differential structure for Dirac distributions, Bounding the degrees of a minimal \(\mu\)-basis for a rational surface parametrization, Deterministic polynomial factoring over finite fields: a uniform approach via \(\mathcal{P}\)-schemes, Singular factors of rational plane curves, A commutativity relation for submatrices of the inverse of a Sylvester matrix, Extensions of valuations to the Henselization and completion, Differential algebras in codifferential categories, Morphisms of Butson classes, On an analogue of the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for abelian schemes over higher dimensional bases over finite fields, Connectivity of generating graphs of nilpotent groups, Cohomology of the space of polynomial maps on \(\mathbb{A}^1\) with prescribed ramification, Eta invariants as sliceness obstructions and their relation to Casson-Gordon invariants, Calculation of the interface curvature and normal vector with the level-set method, Homoclinic groups, IE groups, and expansive algebraic actions, Faithful actions of the absolute Galois group on connected components of moduli spaces, On graphs and valuations., A general model of binary opinions updating, Maximal moments and uniform modulus of continuity for stable random fields, On parametric and generic polynomials with one parameter, Local-global principles for norm one tori over semi-global fields, A symmetrization of the Jordan canonical form, The sum of squared logarithms inequality in arbitrary dimensions, Complexity of deciding whether a tropical linear prevariety is a tropical variety, On decay of entropy solutions to nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation with almost periodic initial data, Surface groups in the group of germs of analytic diffeomorphisms in one variable, Characterization of rational matrices that admit finite digit representations, Algebraic games -- playing with groups and rings, Distance-based tests for planar shape, Research on attacking a special elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, Exponential functions in Cartesian differential categories, Galois descent of semi-affinoid spaces, Joint distribution of spins, Representation theory of groups and \(D\)-modules, Units in number fields satisfying a multiplicative relation with application to Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds, 1-universal binary and ternary Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields, Subquadratic-time algorithms for normal bases, A uniform field-of-definition/field-of-moduli bound for dynamical systems on \(\mathbb{P}^N\), Schur-Weyl duality for tensor powers of the Burau representation, Radicals of \(S_n\)-invariant positive semidefinite Hermitian forms, Algebraic tensor products revisited: axiomatic approach, A class of \(P,T\)-invariant topological phases of interacting electrons, Classical and quantum function reconstruction via character evaluation, A classification of Minkowski planes over half-ordered fields, On the sum of two primitive elements of maximal subfields of a finite field., Compatible intertwiners for representations of finite nilpotent groups, Enveloping algebras that are principal ideal rings, Invariant ultrametrics and Markov processes on the finite adèle ring of \(\mathbb{Q}\), On the size of the genus of a division algebra, Homotopical algebraic context over differential operators, An arithmetic Bernštein-Kušnirenko inequality, The relative approximation degree in valued function fields, Symmetric determinantal representations in characteristic 2, Artin-Schreier extensions and generalized associated orders, Anisotropy and the integral closure, On the Stark units of Drinfeld modules, Absolutely continuous spectrum for quantum trees, Cyclotomic torsion points in elliptic schemes, Exact sequences and estimates for the \(\overline{\partial } \)-problem, Reference dependent invariant sets: sum of squares based computation and applications in constrained control, Computing differential Galois groups of second-order linear \(q\)-difference equations, Extensions of absolute values on two subfields, On existential definitions of c.e. subsets of rings of functions of characteristic 0, Fields of dimension one algebraic over a global or local field need not be of type \(C_1\), Endomorphism algebras of factors of certain hypergeometric Jacobians, Transfinite Constructions in Classical Type Theory, Nonsplit extensions of Abelian p-groups by L 2(p n ) and general theorems on extensions of finite groups, Around \(L^1\)(un)boundedness of Bergman and Szegö projections, Arithmetical Congruence Preservation: From Finite to Infinite, Positive Jantzen sum formulas for cyclotomic Hecke algebras, Positive characteristic Darboux-Jouanolou integrability of differential forms, On the geometry and representation theory of isomeric matrices, Parameterizing density operators with arbitrary symmetries to gain advantage in quantum state estimation, Nontrivial quantum cellular automata in higher dimensions, Compositum of two number fields of prime degree, Standard generators of finite fields and their cyclic subgroups, Coherence of augmented Iwasawa algebras, Tame fundamental groups of pure pairs and Abhyankar's lemma, High-degree polynomial integrals of a natural system on the two-dimensional torus, Radical isogenies, Endomorphism property of vertex operator algebras over arbitrary fields, Galois groups of linear difference-differential equations, Polarization identities, Arithmetic quotients of the automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group, Locally type \(\mathrm{FP}_n\) and \(n\)-coherent categories, Graph coverings and twisted operators, A categorification of cyclotomic rings, A closure operator respecting the modular \(j\)-function, Double centralizers of unipotent elements in simple algebraic groups of type \(G_2\), \(F_4\) and \(E_6\)., Ramp scheme based on CRT for polynomial ring over finite field, Maximally symmetric stabilizer MUBs in even prime-power dimensions, On generalized quadrangles with a group of automorphisms acting regularly on the point set, difference sets with \(- 1\) as multiplier and a conjecture of Ghinelli, Combinatorial and topological aspects of path posets, and multipath cohomology, Polynomial root finding over local rings and application to error correcting codes, The Poincaré problem, algebraic integrability and dicritical divisors, Periodic modules over Gorenstein local rings, Uniform bounds on symbolic powers, On the commutativity of the Clifford and ``extension of scalars functors,
The \(n\)-th prime asymptotically,
On some classes of polynomials with nonnegative coefficients and a given factor,
On the integrality of the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev 3-manifold invariants,
Rapoport–Zink spaces for spinor groups,
Isomonodromic differential equations and differential categories,
Symmetries of explicit Runge-Kutta methods,
Normal forms in a cyclically graded Lie algebra,
Kaplansky classes and derived categories,
Slim normal bases and basefield transforms,
Proof of the existence of certain triples of polynomials,
Finite orbits for rational functions,
Mitigation of symmetry condition in positive realness for adaptive control,
Apollonian circle packings and closed horospheres on hyperbolic 3-manifolds,
On the independence of Heegner points associated to distinct quadratic imaginary fields,
The classification of non-local chiral CFT with \(c < 1\),
Computing invariants of algebraic groups in arbitrary characteristic,
On the characteristic polynomial, eigenvectors and determinant of a pentadiagonal matrix,
Ramification groups and Artin conductors of radical extensions of \(\mathbb Q\),
A topological approach to transductions,
Galois averages,
Analytically irreducible polynomials with coefficients in a real-valued field,
Distortion in transformation groups (with an appendix by Yves de Cornulier),
Explicit factors of some iterated resultants and discriminants,
Optimal cycles in ultrametric dynamics and minimally ramified power series,
Similarity and commutators of matrices over principal ideal rings,
Variants of the Mattila integral, measures with nonnegative Fourier transforms, and the distance set problem,
Elimination of ramification I: The generalized stability theorem,
A difference version of Nori's theorem,
Characterization of the Fermat curve as the most symmetric nonsingular algebraic plane curve,
Chain conditions in computable rings,
Groupoids and relations among Reidemeister and among Nielsen numbers,
The geometry of some parameterizations and encodings,
Tame and purely wild extensions of valued fields,
A class of Hilbert series and the strong Lefschetz property,
The limit of $\mathbb{F}_{p}$-Betti numbers of a tower of finite covers with amenable fundamental groups,
Frames generated by actions of countable discrete groups,
Euler characteristics for strongly minimal groups and the eq-expansions of vector spaces,
Factorial and Noetherian subrings of power series rings,
Valuations and differential Galois groups,
Abstract commensurators of profinite groups,
Preperiodic points for rational functions defined over a global field in terms of good reduction,
Polynomials with AGL-monodromy,
Homomorphisms of vector bundles on curves and parabolic vector bundles on a symmetric product,
On the irreducibility of the Dirichlet polynomial of an alternating group,
The relative Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence and the Belkale-Kumar product,
Singularities of plane algebraic curves,
Entropy, determinants, and $L^2$-torsion,
Construction of L-Borderenergetic Graphs,
On the non-uniqueness of maximal purely wild extensions,
Zeros with multiplicity, Hasse derivatives and linear factors of general skew polynomials,
From algebra to analysis: New proofs of theorems by Ritt and Seidenberg,
Kubinių algebrinių skaičių multiplikatyvusis priklausomumas;Multiplicative dependence of cubic algebraic numbers,
Small heights in large non-Abelian extensions,
Some notes about power residues modulo prime,
On the geometric interpretation of certain vertex algebras and their modules,
On Non-Archimedean Valued Fields: A Survey of Algebraic, Topological and Metric Structures, Analysis and Applications,
Liouvillian integrability of polynomial differential systems,
Conjugacy class conditions in locally compact second countable groups,
Detecting fast solvability of equations via small powerful Galois groups,
Vectorial Drinfeld modular forms over Tate algebras,
Lecture on the abc Conjecture and Some of Its Consequences,
Uniform bounds for preperiodic points in families of twists,
Yang–Baxter deformations and rack cohomology,
Commuting $U$-operators in Jordan algebras,
Existentially closed fields with finite group actions,
Absolute Real Root Separation,
Balanced Factorizations,
The Drinfeld-Grinberg-Kazhdan Theorem for formal schemes and singularity theory,
Quasi-Equivalence of Heights and Runge’s Theorem,
A Characterization of the Cyclic Groups by Subgroup Indices,
On the 8-rank of narrow class groups of ℚ(−4pq), ℚ(−8pq), and ℚ(8pq),
Generic elements of a Zariski-dense subgroup form an open subset,
Certification of modular Galois representations,
On the de Rham homology and cohomology of a complete local ring in equicharacteristic zero,
The minimal formal models of curve singularities,
An Epigraphical Approach to the Representer Theorem,
Two Remarks on Eventown and Oddtown Problems,
Integral categories and calculus categories,
Computing isomorphisms and embeddings of finite fields,
Pseudo Sylow Numbers,
Ramified extensions of degree p and their Hopf–Galois module structure,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
On embedding all $n$-manifolds into a single $(n+1)$-manifold,
Unnamed Item,
Unique decomposition of homogeneous languages and application to isothetic regions,
Design of Lyapunov functions for a class of homogeneous systems: Generalized forms approach,
Examples of wild ramification in an enriched Riemann–Hurwitz formula,
On the Average State Complexity of Partial Derivative Transducers,
𝐹-divided sheaves trivialized by dominant maps are essentially finite,
On Galois groups and PAC substructures,
Depth Reduction for Composites,
Sets with integral distances in finite fields,
A Note on Analytically Irreducible Domains,
Fox formulas for twisted Alexander invariants associated to representations of knot groups over rings of S-integers,
Unnamed Item,
Admissible unitary completions of locally ℚ_{𝕡}-rational representations of 𝔾𝕃₂(𝔽),
Radicability condition on GLn(D),
An SO(3)-Monopole Cobordism Formula Relating Donaldson and Seiberg–Witten Invariants,
Wave Equations and Symmetric First-order Systems in Case of Low Regularity,
Fields with few types,
The Stack of Rational Curves,
The marked length spectrum of a projective manifold or orbifold,
Pairing Lattices,
A large sample test for the length of memory of stationary symmetric stable random fields via nonsingular ℤd-actions,
Summary on non-Archimedean valued fields,
Classification of three-dimensional zeropotent algebras over the real number field,
Invariant deformations of orbit closures in 𝔰𝔩(𝔫),
Asymptotic valuations of sequences satisfying first order recurrences,
Chebyshev’s bias for analyticL-functions,
Derivations of the Frobenius map,
Modular forms invariant under non-split Cartan subgroups,
Inclusive prime number races,
Scalar problems in junctions of rods and a plate,
Two efficient algorithms for the computation of ideal sums in quadratic orders,
Morikawa’s Unsolved Problem,
A representative of RΓ(N,T) for higher dimensional twists of ℤpr(1),
Quotients of the Magmatic Operad: Lattice Structures and Convergent Rewrite Systems,
Artin-Schreier binomials,
Solutions of equations involving the modular 𝑗 function,
$3$-Manifold Groups are Virtually Residually $p$,
Loose edges and factorization theorems,
Finite symmetric tensor categories with the Chevalley property in characteristic 2,
Intersection of class fields,
Extensions of valuations to the Henselization and completion of a local ring,
Rank-Metric Codes Over Arbitrary Galois Extensions and Rank Analogues of Reed--Muller Codes,
From Independent Sets and Vertex Colorings to Isotropic Spaces and Isotropic Decompositions: Another Bridge between Graphs and Alternating Matrix Spaces,
Fields generated by finite rank subgroups of ℚ¯∗,
Chevalley supergroups,
Products of Differences over Arbitrary Finite Fields,
Trading GRH for algebra: Algorithms for factoring polynomials and related structures,
Fundamental Domains for Symmetric Optimization: Construction and Search,
Model theory of partial differential fields: From commuting to noncommuting derivations,
Unnamed Item,
Infinitely Many Twin Prime Polynomials of Odd Degree,
Genus growth in $\mathbb {Z}_p$-towers of function fields,
Divisibility tests for polynomials,
General remainder theorem and factor theorem for polynomials over non-commutative coefficient rings,
A Local Refinement of the Adams–Riemann–Roch Theorem in Degree One,
Erratum: Limiting properties of the distribution of primes in an arbitrarily large number of residue classes,
A generalization of UJ-rings,
Taylor coefficients of Anderson generating functions and Drinfeld torsion extensions,
Quantum Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence,
A method to determine algebraically integral Cayley digraphs on finite Abelian group,
Divisibility of torsion subgroups of abelian surfaces over number fields,
A group theoretic perspective on entanglements of division fields,
Maximal connected 𝑘-subgroups of maximal rank in connected reductive algebraic 𝑘-groups,
Cyclicity of elliptic curves modulo primes in arithmetic progressions,
Index divisibility in the orbit of 0 for integral polynomials,
Algebraically Closed Fields in Isabelle/HOL,
A modular construction of unramified 𝑝-extensions of ℚ(ℕ^{1/𝕡}),
An Introduction to p-Adic Hodge Theory,
Non-injectivity of Nonzero Discriminant Polynomials and Applications to Packing Polynomials,
Rational Points and Trace Forms on a Finite Algebra over a Real Closed Field,
The resultant, the discriminant, and the derivative of generalized Fibonacci polynomials,
Divisors on the Moduli Space of Curves From Divisorial Conditions On Hypersurfaces,
A note on cyclotomic polynomials and Linear Feedback Shift Registers,
Uniform explicit Stewart theorem on prime factors of linear recurrences,
A Q-operator for open spin chains I. Baxter’s TQ relation,
Cubic Action of a Rank one Group,
Abelian networks IV. Dynamics of nonhalting networks,
The Fundamental Theorem of Finite Fields: A Proof from First Principles,
Multiplicative Dependence Among Iterated Values of Rational Functions Modulo Finitely Generated Groups,
Unnamed Item,
Instability of k-Cluster Solutions in a Cell Cycle Population Model when k is Prime,
Remainder and quotient without polynomial long division,
A bound for the image conductor of a principally polarized abelian variety with open Galois image,
Periodic points of polynomials over finite fields,
Tom and Jerry triples with an application to Fano 3-folds,
On the lengths of group algebras of finite abelian groups in the semi-simple case,
A few remarks on invariable generation in infinite groups,
Special groups and quadratic forms over rings with non-zero-divisor coefficients,
Fields whose torsion free parts divisible with trivial Brauer group,
Simple Type Theory is not too Simple: Grothendieck’s Schemes Without Dependent Types,
Higher Stickelberger ideals and even 𝐾-groups,
Saturated Majorana representations of 𝐴₁₂,
Henselian discrete valued stable fields,
A fresh look into monoid rings and formal power series rings,
On the mod-p distribution of discriminants of G-extensions,
The torsion‐free part of the Ziegler spectrum of orders over Dedekind domains,
Generic asymptotics of resonance counting function for Schrödinger point interactions,
Group-theoretic generalisations of vertex and edge connectivities,
Undecidability, unit groups, and some totally imaginary infinite extensions of ℚ,
Greatest common divisors with moving targets and consequences for linear recurrence sequences,
Algebraic construction of quasi-split algebraic tori,
Topological quantum information, virtual Jones polynomials and Khovanov homology,
A Representation Theorem for Generic Line Arrangements in the Plane,
Residue fixed point index and wildly ramified power series,
Entire solutions of certain type of non-linear differential equations,
Cohomological dimensions of specialization-closed subsets and subcategories of modules,
Lectures on the Ax–Schanuel conjecture,
Pairs of theories satisfying a Mordell–Lang condition,
An ultrapower analogue of the Kronecker function ring,
The Schinzel hypothesis for polynomials,
Periodicity of the Discrete-time Quantum Walk on a Finite Graph,
Limiting Properties of the Distribution of Primes in an Arbitrarily Large Number of Residue Classes,
Algebraic Methods for Tensor Data,
Unnamed Item,
Improved lower bounds for the number of fields with alternating Galois group,
Clifford quantum cellular automata: Trivial group in 2D and Witt group in 3D,
Combinatorics-Based Approaches to Controllability Characterization for Bilinear Systems,
Multilinear Algebra for Distributed Storage,
Simplicity of fusion systems of finite simple groups,
Unnamed Item,
On quaternion algebras over the composite of quadratic number fields,
Relative group homology theories with coefficients and the comparison homomorphism,
On the thermodynamics of the Hayward black hole,
Finitely axiomatizable strongly minimal groups,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
On almost periodic viscosity solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations,
Unnamed Item,
Topological Realisations of Absolute Galois Groups,
Retract Rationality and Algebraic Tori,
Abhyankar’s conjectures in Galois theory: Current status and future directions,
Virtual retraction and Howson’s theorem in pro-$p$ groups,
Relations in the maximal pro-𝑝 quotients of absolute Galois groups,
The existence of $T$-numbers in positive characteristic,
New construction techniques for minimal surfaces,
Asymptotic solution for expanding universe with matter-dominated evolution,
Unnamed Item,
Average liar count for degree-$2$ Frobenius pseudoprimes,
Differentiable equisingularity of holomorphic foliations,
On the self-duality of rings of integers in tame and abelian extensions,
Construction of a quotient ring of ℤ₂ℱ in which a binomial 1+𝓌 is invertible using small cancellation methods,
Geometric view on homogeneous groups,
Bethe roots and refined enumeration of alternating-sign matrices,
Regular extensions and algebraic relations between values of Mahler functions in positive characteristic,
Bornes sur les degrés dynamiques d'automorphismes de variétés kähleriennes: généralités et analyse du cas de la dimension $3$,
Harmonic Sums, Polylogarithms,Special Numbers, and Their Generalizations,
Unnamed Item,
Formal constructions in the Brauer group of the function field of a 𝑝-adic curve,
Categoricity properties for computable algebraic fields,
Foulkes characters for complex reflection groups,
The valuation theory of deeply ramified fields and its connection with defect extensions,
Cyclic length in the Brauer group of a p-adic elliptic curve,
A Z2-topological index as a Z2-state index,
Cartan Covers and Doubling Bernstein-Type Inequalities on Analytic Subsets of $$\mathbb {C}^2$$,
Tensors in computations,
Sums and products of pairs of quadratic endomorphisms of a countable-dimensional vector space,
Invertibility of circulant matrices of arbitrary size,
An elementary discussion of the representation and geometric invariant theory of equioriented quivers of type D with an application to quiver bundles,
Minimally critical regular endomorphisms of,
Polynomials over the reals in proofs of termination : from theory to practice,
Covariant algebra of the binary nonic and the binary decimic,
Foliations on smooth algebraic surfaces in positive characteristic,
New duality relation for the discrete Gaussian SOS model on a torus,
Total Stiefel Whitney classes for real representations of \(\mathrm{GL}_n\) over \(\mathbb{F}_q\), \(\mathbb{R}\) and \(\mathbb{C}\),
Ascending chain conditions on right ideals of semigroups,
Generalization of the ABC theorem on locally nilpotent derivations,
Incidence bounds in positive characteristic via valuations and distality,
Fast 1-flip neighborhood evaluations for large-scale pseudo-Boolean optimization using posiform representation,
Truncation errors and modified equations for the lattice Boltzmann methodviathe corresponding Finite Difference schemes,
On somep‐adic Galois representations and form class groups,
A new proof of Nishioka's theorem in Mahler's method,
A note on the spectral analysis of some fourth-order differential equations with a semigroup approach,
The large-period limit for equations of discrete turbulence,
Identities arising from binomial-like formulas involving divisors of numbers,
2-generated axial algebras of Monster type (\(2 \beta,\beta\)),
Strongly independent matrices and rigidity of \(\times A\)-invariant measures on \(n\)-torus,
Composition series of arbitrary cardinality in modular lattices and abelian categories,
Schanuel type conjectures and disjointness,
Relative ideal classes of arbitrary order,
Contour Integration for Eigenvector Nonlinearities,
Group-Invariant Tensor Train Networks for Supervised Learning,
Skew differential Goppa codes and their application to McEliece cryptosystem,
Connections between graphs and matrix spaces,
Points de petite hauteur sur une variété semi‐abélienne de la forme Gmn×A$\mathbb {G}_m^n \times A$,
On the $(n+3)$-webs by rational curves induced by the forgetful maps on the moduli spaces $\mathcal M_{0,n+3}$,
Classification of Schubert Galois groups in \(Gr(4, 9)\),
Piecewise polynomial approximation of spatial curvilinear profiles using the Hough transform,
Langton's type theorem on algebraic orbifolds,
The characteristic of the minimal ideals and the minimal generalized ideals in rings,
Some new results on energy of graphs with self loops,
A ruled residue theorem for algebraic function fields of curves of prime degree,
Some easy instances of ideal-SVP and implications on the partial Vandermonde knapsack problem,
A general construction of regular complete permutation polynomials,
New examples of tangentially degenerate curves,
Gelfand-Kirillov dimension and the \(p\)-adic Jacquet-Langlands correspondence,
Minimal degree of an element of a number field with respect to its quadratic extension,
Sharp estimates of the solutions to Bézout's polynomial equation and a corona theorem,
Waring problem for matrices over finite fields,
Integral points on symmetric affine cubic surfaces,
A geometric approach to the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics,
Doubly transitive lines. II: Almost simple symmetries,
Orbifold theory for vertex algebras and Galois correspondence,
Cyclic algebras, symbol algebras and gradings on matrices,
An invitation to formal power series,
Algebraic curves and foliations,
Doubly and triply extended MSRD codes,
On quadratically enriched excess and residual intersections,
Worst-case subexponential attacks on PRGs of constant degree or constant locality,
Generalizations of the Schrödinger maximal operator: building arithmetic counterexamples,
Birational maps with transcendental dynamical degree,
The covering numbers of rings,
A supplement to Chebotarev's density theorem,
An explicit André–Oort type result for,
Unnamed Item,
On rational fixed points of finite group actions on the affine space,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Degrees of Regular Sequences With a Symmetric Group Action,
Hyperelliptic curves over 𝔽₂ of every 2-rank without extra automorphisms,
Pure quintic fields defined by trinomials,
Computation of the topological type of a real Riemann surface,
On fields with Property (B),
Weighted inversion of general Dirichlet series,
On p-adic analytic continuation with applications to generating elements,
Commensurability of automorphism groups,
Groups definable in ordered vector spaces over ordered division rings,
Finite rank Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space,
A topological method for finding invariant sets of continuous systems,
Stable random fields, point processes and large deviations,
Successive minima of toric height functions,
Resultant of an equivariant polynomial system with respect to the symmetric group,
Diversity, dependence and independence,
Sheaves on Graphs, Their Homological Invariants, and a Proof of the Hanna Neumann Conjecture: with an Appendix by Warren Dicks,
String Reconstruction from Substring Compositions,
Endomorphisms for Non-trivial Non-linear Loop Invariant Generation,
On Some Approach for Finding the Resultant of Two Entire Functions,
Division by Zero in Common Meadows,
On Minimality of Initial Data Required to Uniquely Characterize Every Trajectory in a Discrete $n$-D System,
A Roadmap to Decidability,
The Ring of Real-Valued Multivariate Polynomials: An Analyst’s Perspective,
On the lengths of group algebras of finite abelian groups in the modular case,
Variance Groups and the Structure of Mixed Polytopes,
On the Central Path of Semidefinite Optimization: Degree and Worst-Case Convergence Rate,
The moduli space of marked generalized cusps in real projective manifolds,
SU(2) and SU(1,1) group parametrizations via qubit induced correlated probabilities,
Permutation modules for the symmetric group,
Formal stability in Hamiltonian fluid models for plasmas,
Expected dimensions of higher-rank Brill-Noether loci,
There are genus one curves violating Hasse principle over every number field,
Zero sets and Nullstellensatz type theorems for slice regular quaternionic polynomials,
On one-way ring homomorphisms,
Lie invariant Frobenius lifts,
Implicit linear first order difference equations over commutative rings,
On 𝑝_{𝑔}-ideals in positive characteristic,
Continuation sheaves in dynamics: sheaf cohomology and bifurcation,
Simple complex tori of algebraic dimension 0,
An effective solution to convex 1-body \(N\)-representability,
An extension of the numerical range over finite fields,
Centers of multilinear forms and applications,
The center of the universal enveloping algebras of small-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras in prime characteristic,
Computing Circuit Polynomials in the Algebraic Rigidity Matroid,
On nil algebras and a problem of Passman concerning nilpotent free algebras,
The generalized transfer theorem,
Factorization in additive monoids of evaluation polynomial semirings,
Minimality of \(\mathfrak{B}\)-free systems in number fields,
Linear Representation of Graphs: Applications to Molecular Graphs,
Boundedness of Iwasawa invariants of fine Selmer groups and Selmer groups,
Quantum double models coupled to matter fields: A detailed review for a dualization procedure,
Galois symmetry of energy levels of the XXX model for the case of octagonal two-magnon states on the generic star of quasimomentum,
Nonabelian level structures, Nielsen equivalence, and Markoff triples,
A criterion for the normality of polynomials over finite fields based on their coefficients,
Nilpotent category of monoidal category and tensor-hom adjunction,
Immanant varieties,
Results on the algebraic matroid of the determinantal variety,
Definable version of Wedderburn-Artin theorem in o-minimal structures,
A subclass of \(q^m\)-ary Reed-Solomon codes and decoding of some rational GAG-codes,
Simple algebraic groups with the same maximal tori, weakly commensurable Zariski-dense subgroups, and good reduction,
Density of Selmer ranks in families of even Galois representations, Wiles' formula, and global reciprocity,
Tensor decompositions on simplicial complexes with invariance,
Real non-degenerate two-step nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension eight,
The cluster modular group of the dimer model,
A Special Class of Rings,
Telescopers for differential forms with one parameter,
On the effective version of Serre's open image theorem,
The field of moduli of a divisor on a rational curve,
Some algebraic questions about the Reed-Muller code,
Equivalence between contextuality and negativity of the Wigner function for qudits,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item