scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3417498

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zbMath0265.05119MaRDI QIDQ5682350

Miroslav Fiedler

Publication date: 1973

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edge and vertex centrality for assessing robustness in complex networks, Hidden symmetries in real and theoretical networks, Geometrically nonlinear analysis of circulant structures using an efficient eigensolution method, An upper bound on the algebraic connectivity of outerplanar graphs, Sign-changing diagonal perturbations of Laplacian matrices of graphs, Spectrally optimized pointset configurations, An analytic study of opinion dynamics in multi-agent systems, An anticipatory protocol to reach fast consensus in multi-agent systems, An estimate of the first non-zero eigenvalue of the Laplacian by the Ricci curvature on edges of graphs, The second largest eigenvalue and vertex-connectivity of regular multigraphs, A new proof for exact relationship between extra connectivity and extra diagnosability of regular connected graphs under MM* model, Distance geometry and data science, Algebraic connectivity and disjoint vertex subsets of graphs, Null decomposition of unicyclic graphs, The geometry connectivity of hypergraphs, Spectral properties of inverse sum indeg index of graphs, On synchronization in heterogeneous FitzHugh-Nagumo networks, Toughness in pseudo-random graphs, Vertex-connectivity, chromatic number, domination number, maximum degree and Laplacian eigenvalue distribution, Connectivity and eigenvalues of graphs with given girth or clique number, Laplacian controllability for graphs obtained by some standard products, Measuring the stability of spectral clustering, Fractional arboricity, strength and eigenvalues of graphs with fixed girth or clique number, Integer Laplacian eigenvalues of chordal graphs, \(Q\)-integral graphs with at most two vertices of degree greater than or equal to three, Diffusion bank networks and capital flows, A maximum algebraic connectivity increment edge-based strategy for capacity enhancement in scale-free networks, Phase transitions in normalized cut of social networks, Random evolution equations: well-posedness, asymptotics, and applications to graphs, On the (signless Laplacian) spectral radius of minimally \(k\)-(edge)-connected graphs for small \(k\), On trees with algebraic connectivity greater than or equal to \(2(1-\cos(\frac{\pi}{7}))\), Hubs-biased resistance distances on graphs and networks, Adaptive synchronization in complex dynamical networks with coupling delays for general graphs, Ordering trees and graphs with few cycles by algebraic connectivity, Mean curvature, threshold dynamics, and phase field theory on finite graphs, A combinatorial Li-Yau inequality and rational points on curves, A scoring mechanism for the rank aggregation of network robustness, Maximizing algebraic connectivity for certain families of graphs, Bounds for different spreads of line and total graphs, Second-order consensus in multi-agent dynamical systems with sampled position data, Distributed finite-time estimation of the bounds on algebraic connectivity for directed graphs, Trees with a large Laplacian eigenvalue multiplicity, Decentralized local-global connectivity maintenance for networked robotic teams, Graphs with clusters perturbed by regular graphs -- \(A_\alpha \)-spectrum and applications, Cospectral pairs of regular graphs with different connectivity, Adaptive guaranteed-performance consensus control for multi-agent systems with an adjustable convergence speed, Continuous relaxations for the traveling salesman problem, An adaptive granulation algorithm for community detection based on improved label propagation, Matching extendability and connectivity of regular graphs from eigenvalues, `Hubs-repelling' Laplacian and related diffusion on graphs/networks, Cut ratios and Laplacian eigenvalues, Deterministic versus stochastic consensus dynamics on graphs, Nonpositive curvature is not coarsely universal, Spanning tree packing number and eigenvalues of graphs with given girth, Spectra of graphs resulting from various graph operations and products: a survey, The effects of structural 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Laplacian spectrum conjecture, Schur reduction of trees and extremal entries of the Fiedler vector, Tighter spectral bounds for the cut size, based on Laplacian eigenvectors, A GPU-based preconditioned Newton-Krylov solver for flexible multibody dynamics, The seriation problem in the presence of a double Fiedler value, Spectral complexity of directed graphs and application to structural decomposition, Consistency of spectral clustering, Graphs of given order and size and minimum algebraic connectivity, Sharp spectral bounds for the vertex-connectivity of regular graphs, On the Laplacian spread of digraphs, Deleting vertices and interlacing Laplacian eigenvalues, Spectral Identification of Networks Using Sparse Measurements, Distributed estimation of algebraic connectivity of directed networks, On the Z-eigenvalues of the adjacency tensors for uniform hypergraphs, A note on Fiedler value of classes with sublinear separators, On the Fiedler value of large planar graphs, Edge-connectivity 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formations, Comparison between Laplacian--energy--like invariant and Kirchhoff index, Force-based incremental algorithm for mining community structure in dynamic network, Remarks on Spectral Radius and Laplacian Eigenvalues of a Graph, Some notes on the spectral perturbations of the signless Laplacian of a graph, Spectra, Energy and Laplacian Energy of Strong Double Graphs, Bounds on Laplacian eigenvalues related to total and signed domination of graphs, A hybrid artificial immune network for detecting communities in complex networks, Maximum algebraic connectivity augmentation is NP-hard, Criteria for global pinning-controllability of complex networks, Eigenvalues of the adjacency and Laplacian matrices for modified regular structural models, Local and global approaches of affinity propagation clustering for large scale data, PageRank Beyond the Web, TRACEMIN-Fiedler: A Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Fiedler Vector, The first two largest eigenvalues of Laplacian, spectral gap 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products; eigenproblems in optimal structural analysis, Lower bounds for the algebraic connectivity of graphs with specified subgraphs, Laplacian integral graphs with a given degree sequence constraint, Resistance matrices of balanced directed graphs, Unnamed Item, On the bounds of Laplacian eigenvalues of k-connected graphs, Network Topology and Synchronization of Systems with Linear Time-Delayed Coupling, Unnamed Item, Rotor-angle versus voltage instability in the third-order model for synchronous generators, Cooperative visibility maintenance in SE(3) for multi-robot-networks with limited field-of-view sensors, Some graphs determined by their (signless) Laplacian spectra, Data Analytics on Graphs Part I: Graphs and Spectra on Graphs, Data Analytics on Graphs Part III: Machine Learning on Graphs, from Graph Topology to Applications, Unnamed Item, A new algorithm for finding a pseudoperipheral vertex or the endpoints of a pseudodiameter in a graph, Symmetry-driven network reconstruction through pseudobalanced coloring optimization, Efficient and Reliable Overlay Networks for Decentralized Federated Learning, A rough-and-ready cluster-based approach for extracting finite-time coherent sets from sparse and incomplete trajectory data, The Fiedler Vector of a Laplacian Tensor for Hypergraph Partitioning, Unnamed Item, CONSENSUS PROBLEMS IN WEIGHTED HIERARCHICAL GRAPHS, Spectra of Laplacian Matrices of Weighted Graphs: Structural Genericity Properties, Using Kronecker products to construct mimetic gradients, Combinatorial Perron values of trees and bottleneck matrices, Network Essence: PageRank Completion and Centrality-Conforming Markov Chains, Edge connectivity and the spectral gap of combinatorial and quantum graphs, Constrained Graph Partitioning via Matrix Differential Equations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Separating Populations with Wide Data: A Spectral Analysis, On the Ky Fan $k$-norm of the $LI$-matrix of graphs, Minimizing algebraic connectivity over graphs made with some given blocks, On the Structure of Isometrically Embeddable Metric Spaces, The Laplacian permanental polynomial for trees, The p-spectral radius of the Laplacian matrix, A new algorithm for domain decomposition of finite element models, Eigensolution of Laplacian matrices for graph partitioning and domain decomposition, Distance Laplacian eigenvalues and chromatic number in graphs, Unnamed Item, On a Conjecture on a Laplacian Matrix with Distinct Integral Spectrum, Cooperative control with distributed gain adaptation and connectivity estimation for directed networks, Polaritons and excitons: Hamiltonian design for enhanced coherence, Statistical inference on random dot product graphs: a survey, Nonlinear Consensus Algorithms with Uncertain Couplings, Factorization for efficient solution of eigenproblems of adjacency and Laplacian matrices for graph products, Unnamed Item, Automorphism group and category of cospectral graphs, Invertibility of graph translation 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Single and Multiple Mobile Robots, Eigensolutions for factorable matrices of special patterns, Sherali-adams strikes back, Unnamed Item, Surgery principles for the spectral analysis of quantum graphs, State-dependent effective interactions in oscillator networks through coupling functions with dead zones, Multilevel Artificial Neural Network Training for Spatially Correlated Learning, Unnamed Item, Combined Hypothesis Testing on Graphs With Applications to Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, Unnamed Item, The permanent of the Laplacian matrix of a bipartite graph, Algebraic connectivity of k-connected graphs, On energy, Laplacian energy and p-fold graphs, Spectra of the extended neighborhood corona and extended corona of two graphs, Bounds for the Laplacian spectral radius of graphs, Consensus and synchronization problems on small-world networks, Unnamed Item, On the spectrum of linear dependence graph of a finite dimensional vector space, Unnamed Item, NEW UPPER BOUND ON THE LARGEST LAPLACIAN EIGENVALUE OF GRAPHS, Superdiffusion criteria on duplex networks, Laplacian spectra of Coprime Graph of finite cyclic and Dihedral groups, Fiedler vectors with unbalanced sign patterns, Recent developments on the power graph of finite groups – a survey, Parameters of connectivity in ()-linear graphs, Minimal extremal graphs for addition of algebraic connectivity and independence number of connected graphs, Combinatorial Algorithms for Minimizing the Maximum Laplacian and Signless Laplacian Eigenvalues of Weighted Graphs, Algebraic Connectivity Estimation Based on Decentralized Inverse Power Iteration, Comparison of Steklov eigenvalues and Laplacian eigenvalues on graphs, Hydrodynamic alignment with pressure II. Multi-species, Different central parts of trees and their pairwise distances, 2-connected graphs with the minimum algebraic connectivity, Symmetric Pascal matrices and related graphs, Symmetric matrices, signed graphs, and nodal domain theorems, On the \(d\)-dimensional algebraic connectivity of graphs, Classification of trees by Laplacian eigenvalue distribution and edge covering number, On singularity and properties of eigenvectors of complex Laplacian matrix of multidigraphs, Hearing shapes viap-adic Laplacians, Matrix functions in network analysis, Optimization on the smallest eigenvalue of grounded Laplacian matrix via edge addition, Algebraic and combinatorial expansion in random simplicial complexes, Iterative solution of spatial network models by subspace decomposition, \(H_\infty\) consensus of multi-agent systems under hybrid cyber attacks via a sampled-data-based dynamic event-triggered resilient consensus protocol, On the Laplacian spectrum of \(k\)-symmetric graphs, On the spectra of token graphs of cycles and other graphs, Even order uniform hypergraph via the Einstein product, Quartic graphs with minimum spectral gap, Spectrum of Graphs over Rings: A Survey, Laplacian eigenvalues of the unit graph of the ring \(\mathbb{Z}_n\), Generalizing \(p\)-Laplacian: spectral hypergraph theory and a partitioning algorithm, Characterization of digraphs with three complementarity eigenvalues, Variable ansatz applied to spectral operator decomposition in a physical superconducting quantum device, On the cozero-divisor graphs associated to rings, Effects of adding arcs on the consensus convergence rate of leader-follower multi-agent systems, Scale fragilities in localized consensus dynamics, A Fenchel dual gradient method enabling regularization for nonsmooth distributed optimization over time-varying networks, Special \textit{LCD} codes from products of graphs, Spectral properties of token graphs, Combinatorial Fiedler theory and graph partition, A distributed block Chebyshev-Davidson algorithm for parallel spectral clustering, Universal Features for High-Dimensional Learning and Inference, An Escape Time Formulation for Subgraph Detection and Partitioning of Directed Graphs, Bifurcations in Nagumo equations on graphs and Fiedler vectors, Graph rigidity properties of Ramanujan graphs, The Normalized Laplacian Spectrum of Folded Hypercube with Applications, Nonsmooth control barrier function design of continuous constraints for network connectivity maintenance, Novel group decision making approach based on the rough soft approximations of graphs and hypergraphs, Multiway Spectral Graph Partitioning: Cut Functions, Cheeger Inequalities, and a Simple Algorithm, Classification of graphs by Laplacian eigenvalue distribution and independence number, A family of gradient methods using Householder transformation with application to hypergraph partitioning, Nodal domain theorems for \(p\)-Laplacians on signed graphs, On model-based clustering of directional data with heavy tails, On the stability of the principal ratio, On the spectra and spectral radii of token graphs, Persistent hyperdigraph homology and persistent hyperdigraph Laplacians, Consensus formation in first-order graphon models with time-varying topologies, Unnamed Item, Laplacian spectra of cographs: a twin reduction perspective, Distributed optimal consensus protocol for high-order integrator-type multi-agent systems, Decentralized navigation method for swarm robots with individual loss due to failure, On spectra of power graphs of finite cyclic and dihedral groups, Extremal Graph Realizations and Graph Laplacian Eigenvalues, The most exigent eigenvalue: guaranteeing consensus under an unknown communication topology and time delays, Perturbation of Fiedler vector: interest for graph measures and shape analysis, About the type of broom trees, Hypergraph analysis based on a compatible tensor product structure, Research on entropy weight multiple criteria decision‐making evaluation of metro network vulnerability, Integral Laplacian graphs with a unique repeated Laplacian eigenvalue. I, Synchronization in directed nonlinear complex networks under intermittent stochastic control, Mean distance on metric graphs, COMPLEX LAPLACIAN-BASED DISTRIBUTED CONTROL FOR MULTI-AGENT NETWORK, Ordering trees by algebraic connectivity, The number of spanning trees of a graph, On sum of powers of the Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, On sum of powers of the Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, On the \(k\)th largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of a graph, Discrete nodal domain theorems, On graphs with equal algebraic and vertex connectivity, Spectral characterization of some weighted rooted graphs with cliques, Edge-connectivity in regular multigraphs from eigenvalues, Upper bounds on the Laplacian spread of graphs, On some characterizations of strong power graphs of finite groups, A unified method for eigendecomposition of graph products, On the sum of powers of Laplacian eigenvalues of bipartite graphs, On the sum of powers of Laplacian eigenvalues of bipartite graphs, Some properties of the distance Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph, Eigenvalue bounds for some classes of matrices associated with graphs, On the restricted numerical range of the Laplacian matrix for digraphs, Scalable module detection for attributed networks with applications to breast cancer, Fiedler vector analysis for particular cases of connected graphs, On the pancyclicity of 1-tough graphs

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