Xin-Ping Guan

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zbMath Open guan.xinpingMaRDI QIDQ273884

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Adaptive event-triggered sliding mode control for platooning of heterogeneous vehicular systems and its \(\mathcal{L}_2\) input-to-output string stability2024-09-19Paper
Event-based leader-following consensus for uncertain non-linear multiagent systems2024-09-05Paper
Model-free nonlinear feedback optimization2024-08-19Paper
Topology inference for network systems: causality perspective and nonasymptotic performance2024-08-16Paper
\( H_\infty\) tracking control for de-oiling hydrocyclone systems via event-triggered reinforcement learning2024-07-25Paper
Local Topology Inference of Mobile Robotic Networks Under Formation Control2024-01-26Paper
Optimal sensor scheduling for state estimation under limited channel resources2024-01-17Paper
Connectivity‐maintained and specified‐time vehicle platoon control systems with disturbance observer2023-11-23Paper
Controller design for fractional-order interconnected systems with unmodeled dynamics2023-08-16Paper
Differential Private Noise Adding Mechanism and Its Application on Consensus Algorithm2022-09-23Paper
A Metric for Light Field Reconstruction, Compression, and Display Quality Evaluation2022-09-16Paper
A Multimodal Saliency Model for Videos With High Audio-Visual Correspondence2022-09-16Paper
Distributed Entrapping Control of Multiagent Systems Using Bearing Measurements2022-02-24Paper
Differentially Private Distributed Optimization via State and Direction Perturbation in Multiagent Systems2022-02-24Paper
Robust predefined-time platoon control of networked vehicles with uncertain disturbances2022-02-11Paper
Event-triggered based adaptive neural network control of a robotic manipulator with output constraints and disturbance2022-02-10Paper
Enhanced model-free adaptive iterative learning control with load disturbance and data dropout2022-02-08Paper
Model-free adaptive iterative sliding mode control for a robotic exoskeleton trajectory tracking system2022-02-08Paper
Adaptive prescribed performance control of nonlinear asymmetric input saturated systems with application to AUVs2021-10-21Paper
Bearing-only formation control of multi-agent systems in local reference frames2021-10-20Paper
Distributed Output-Feedback Consensus Control of Multiagent Systems with Unknown Output Measurement Sensitivity2021-07-26Paper
Event-triggered consensus control for second-order multi-agent system subject to saturation and time delay2021-06-08Paper
Global output feedback regulation of nonlinear time delay systems subject to sensor measurement faults2021-05-28Paper
Disturbance-resilient Distributed Resource Allocation over Stochastic Networks using Uncoordinated Stepsizes2021-04-21Paper
Distributed Consensus Control for Nonlinear Multiagent Systems Under Directed Graphs of Dynamic Frequency Switches2021-03-12Paper
Semi-global leaderless consensus of linear multi-agent systems with actuator and communication constraints2021-01-21Paper
Effects of quantization and saturation on performance in bilateral teleoperator2020-10-12Paper
Force feedback control for bilateral teleoperation system with unknown Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis2020-10-07Paper
Fast data-driven iterative event-triggered control for nonlinear networked discrete systems with data dropouts and sensor saturation2020-10-07Paper
A Hybrid Event-Triggered Approach to Consensus of Multiagent Systems With Disturbances2020-10-05Paper
Identification and control of nonlinear system based on Laguerre-ELM Wiener model2020-09-15Paper
Full state constraints-based adaptive tracking control for uncertain nonlinear stochastic systems with input saturation2020-06-30Paper
Dynamic surface based tracking control of uncertain quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles with multiple state variable constraints2020-05-10Paper
Entrapping a target in an arbitrarily shaped orbit by a single robot using bearing measurements2020-04-17Paper
Identification of nonlinear system using extreme learning machine based Hammerstein model2020-02-27Paper
Leader-follower formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots with bearing-only measurements2020-02-20Paper
Finite-time output-feedback synchronization control for bilateral teleoperation system via neural networks2020-02-07Paper
Output feedback-based consensus control for nonlinear time delay multiagent systems2020-01-20Paper
Distributed formation control for teleoperating cyber-physical system under time delay and actuator saturation constrains2020-01-06Paper
Asynchronous stabilization of switched neutral systems: a cooperative stabilizing approach2019-12-30Paper
Leader-following consensus for high-order stochastic multi-agent systems via dynamic output feedback control2019-12-19Paper
Funnel‐like prescribed tracking control for uncertain nonlinear stochastic switched systems2019-11-01Paper
Adaptive state feedback control for time-delay stochastic nonlinear systems based on dynamic gain method2019-10-29Paper
Analysis and Design for Networked Teleoperation System2019-09-26Paper
Stabilisation for teleoperation systems with sampled-data information feedback2019-08-27Paper
Decentralised adaptive control of switched interconnected high-order nonlinear systems with unknown control direction and time-delay2019-06-18Paper
Distributed bearing-based formation control of networked thrust-propelled vehicles2019-06-13Paper
Sliding mode formation control of nonlinear multi-agent systems with local Lipschitz continuous dynamics2019-06-04Paper
Semi-global/global output consensus for nonlinear multiagent systems with time delays2019-04-24Paper
Leader-Following Output Consensus for High-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems2019-03-28Paper
Mitigating Quantization Effects on Distributed Sensor Fusion: A Least Squares Approach2019-02-12Paper
Event-Triggered Leader-Following Consensus for Nonlinear Multiagent Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation Using Dynamic Output Feedback Method2018-12-18Paper
Specified-time bearing-based formation control of multi-agent systems via a dynamic gain approach2018-11-19Paper
Event-triggered multitarget formation control for multiagent systems2018-11-05Paper
Adaptive prescribed performance control of QUAVs with unknown time-varying payload and wind gust disturbance2018-10-17Paper
Preserving Data-Privacy With Added Noises: Optimal Estimation and Privacy Analysis2018-09-19Paper
Designing Dual-Tone Radio Interferometric Positioning Systems2018-08-22Paper
Decentralized adaptive tracking quantized control for interconnected pure feedback time delay nonlinear systems2018-08-17Paper
Finite-time consensus for nonlinear multi-agent systems with time-varying delay: an auxiliary system approach2018-08-17Paper
Output feedback control for stochastic nonlinear time delay systems using dynamic gain technique2018-08-16Paper
Finite-time consensus of nonlinear multi-agent system with prescribed performance2018-08-09Paper
Adaptive synchronization control design for flexible telerobotics with actuator fault and input saturation2018-05-31Paper
Adaptive state feedback control for switched stochastic high‐order nonlinear systems under arbitrary switchings2018-05-30Paper
Output consensus for heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems based on T-S fuzzy model2018-02-20Paper
Robust adaptive uniform exact tracking control for uncertain Euler–Lagrange system2018-02-12Paper
Distributed Adaptive Event‐Triggered Control for Leader‐Following Consensus of Multi‐Agent Systems2018-01-05Paper
Robust Control for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems2017-11-01Paper
Leader-following consensus for a class of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems2017-10-11Paper
On Exploring the Domain of Attraction for Bilateral Teleoperator Subject to Interval Delay and Saturated P + d Control Scheme2017-09-08Paper
Memoryless State Feedback Controller Design for Time Delay Systems With Matched Uncertain Nonlinearities2017-08-08Paper
Adaptive Tracking Controller Design of Nonlinear Systems With Time Delays and Unknown Dead-Zone Input2017-08-08Paper
Finite/Fixed-Time Stabilization for Nonlinear Interconnected Systems With Dead-Zone Input2017-07-27Paper
Comments on “State Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Stochastic Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems”2017-07-12Paper
Robust backstepping control for a class of time delayed systems2017-07-12Paper
Delay‐Dependent Stability Criterion for Discrete‐Time Systems with Time‐Varying Delays2017-06-23Paper
Comments on "Robust stabilization of a class of time-delay nonlinear systems"2017-06-20Paper
Stability analysis of time-delay systems via free-matrix-based double integral inequality2017-04-18Paper
Finite-time consensus control for second-order multi-agent systems without velocity measurements2017-04-18Paper
Extended-state-observer-based finite-time synchronization control design of teleoperation with experimental validation2016-11-16Paper
Identification of chaotic system using Hammerstein-ELM model2016-10-21Paper
Synchronization control for bilateral teleoperation system with prescribed performance under asymmetric time delay2016-10-19Paper
Adaptive fuzzy synchronization control for networked teleoperation system with input and multi-state constraints2016-10-12Paper
Decentralised adaptive control for a class of stochastic switched interconnected nonlinear systems2016-09-20Paper
Output Consensus of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-agent Systems Subject to Different Disturbances2016-09-19Paper
Stability analysis for fractional-order PD controlled delayed systems2016-09-06Paper
Master-slave synchronization criteria of Lur'e systems with time-delay feedback control2016-05-02Paper
Decentralized output feedback controller design for nonlinear interconnected systems with unknown control direction and time-varying delays2016-04-25Paper
Smooth dynamic output feedback control for multiple time-delay systems with nonlinear uncertainties2016-04-22Paper
Reduced-order observer-based output feedback control of nonlinear time-delay systems with prescribed performance2016-04-12Paper
Cooperative linear output regulation for networked systems by dynamic measurement output feedback2016-04-12Paper
Finite-Horizonε-Optimal Tracking Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems Using Iterative Approximate Dynamic Programming2016-03-02Paper
Synchronization analysis for nonlinear bilateral teleoperator with interval time‐varying delay2015-12-21Paper
A cooperative pursuit-evasion game in wireless sensor and actor networks2015-12-18Paper
Nonlinear generalized predictive control based on online least squares support vector machines2015-09-07Paper
Structure and parameter identification for Bayesian Hammerstein system2015-09-02Paper
Stochastic gradient with changing forgetting factor-based parameter identification for Wiener systems2015-06-22Paper
Collective behavior of mobile agents with state-dependent interactions2015-04-28Paper
Wireless Sensor Networks2015-02-03Paper
An improved krill herd algorithm: krill herd with linear decreasing step2014-11-13Paper
New stability criteria for networked teleoperation system2014-04-16Paper
Adaptive backstepping control for a class of time delay systems with nonlinear perturbations2014-04-01Paper
Robust controller design of a class of nonlinear time delay systems via backstepping method2014-03-19Paper
Robust controller design for uncertain multiple-delay systems with unknown actuator parameters2012-08-24Paper
Convergence and stability of the Newton-Like algorithm with estimation error in optimization flow control2012-07-02Paper
New stability criteria for neural networks with time-varying delays2012-06-11Paper
Control for wireless networked control systems based on 802.11b2011-11-25Paper
Delay‐dependent asymptotic stability of BAM neural networks with time delay2011-07-28Paper
End-to-end rate-based congestion control with random loss: convergence and stability2011-06-29Paper
Robust exponential stability criteria of uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delays2011-06-10Paper
Global adaptive synchronization of complex networks with nonlinear delay coupling interconnections2011-04-19Paper
Decentralised control for formation reorganisation of multi-agent systems using a virtual leader2011-03-16Paper
Hybrid control for wide-area power systems based on hybrid system theory2011-03-16Paper
A new framework of consensus protocol design for complex multi-agent systems2011-02-18Paper
Parameter estimation of chaotic system with time-delay: a differential evolution approach2010-11-08Paper
Parameter estimation for time-delay chaotic system by particle swarm optimization2010-11-01Paper
A stabilization method of chaotic systems based on full delayed feedback controller design2010-09-27Paper
New results on stability analysis of neural networks with time-varying delays2010-06-02Paper
\(H_\infty \) filtering of time-delay T-S fuzzy systems based on piecewise Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional2009-10-26Paper
Exponential stability for cellular neural networks: An LMI approach2009-09-01Paper
\(H_{\infty}\) filtering of 2-D discrete state-delayed systems2009-08-31Paper
Output feedback \(H_{\infty}\) control for 2-D state-delayed systems2009-06-17Paper
Exponential stabilization controller design for interconnected time delay systems2009-03-02Paper
Delay-Dependent Guaranteed Cost Control for T–S Fuzzy Systems With Time Delays2008-09-05Paper
Generalized LMI-based approach to global asymptotic stability of cellular neural networks with delay2008-09-01Paper
Controller design for networked control system with data packet dropout and transmission delays2008-08-06Paper
A new chaotic secure communication scheme2008-05-21Paper
Parameter identification based synchronization for a class of chaotic systems with offset vectors2008-05-07Paper
Information flow among neural networks with Bayesian estimation2008-05-02Paper
Dynamical characteristics of pre-epileptic seizures in rats with recurrence quantification ana\-lysis2007-12-05Paper
Synchronization of chaotic systems based on PI observer design2007-12-05Paper
Robust synchronization of chaotic Lur'e systems via delayed feedback control2007-10-08Paper
A full delayed feedback controller design method for time-delay chaotic systems2007-04-13Paper
Multi-resolution image segmentation based on Gaussian mixture model2007-02-14Paper
Decentralized robust model reference adaptive control for interconnected time-delay systems2006-06-16Paper
On robust stability for uncertain time-delay systems: a polyhedral Lyapunov --- Krasovskii approach2005-12-08Paper
Observer-based adaptive control for uncertain time-delay systems2005-12-05Paper
Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 20052005-11-23Paper
Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 20052005-11-23Paper
Robust adaptive control for uncertain time‐delay systems2005-11-15Paper
Adaptive fuzzy control for uncertain interconnected time-delay systems2005-08-22Paper
Adaptive control for chaotic systems2005-04-21Paper
Adaptive observer-based control for a class of chaotic systems2005-04-21Paper
Adaptive feedback control for a class of chaotic systems2005-04-18Paper
Robust Output Feedback Control for Uncertain Discrete Time Delay Systems2005-03-18Paper
Robust guaranteed cost control for uncertain discrete time-delay systems via dynamic output feedback2005-03-18Paper
Variable structure adaptive fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems2005-01-11Paper
Robust stabilization of a class of nonlinear time-delay systems2004-10-13Paper
Resilient guaranteed cost control for uncertain discrete linear jump systems2004-08-10Paper
Stabilization of Discrete Time-delay Systems with Parametric Uncertainty2004-06-08Paper
Observer-based robust H, control for uncertain time-delay systems2003-10-12Paper
Adaptive fuzzy control for chaotic systems with \(H_{\infty}\) tracking performance.2003-09-25Paper
Robust control of time-delay chaotic systems2003-07-06Paper
Comparison criteria of positive solutions for a neutral difference equation with positive and negative coefficients2003-03-17Paper
Nonexistence of positive solution of a class of nonlinear difference equation2003-01-28Paper
Observer-based robust control for uncertain systems with time-varying delay2002-01-02Paper
Existence of monotone positive solution of neutral partial difference equation2001-08-30Paper
Positive solutions of a nonlinear neutral equation with positive and negative coefficients2001-06-13Paper
Asymptotic and oscillatory behavior of higher-order nonlinear neutral difference equation2000-05-29Paper
Oscillatory behavior of higher order nonlinear neutral difference equation2000-04-04Paper
Nonexistence of positive solutions of a class of nonlinear delay partial difference equations1999-11-01Paper
Oscillation for systems of nonlinear neutral type parabolic partial functional differential equations1998-02-03Paper
Linearized comparison criteria for a nonlinear neutral differential equation1997-07-01Paper
Private and Robust Distributed Nonconvex Optimization via Polynomial ApproximationN/APaper

Research outcomes over time

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