Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice
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DOI10.1007/978-1-4757-3437-9zbMath0967.00022OpenAlexW1483307070MaRDI QIDQ2734599
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Publication date: 20 August 2001
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equations, Modified particle filter methods for assimilating Lagrangian data into a point-vortex model, A note on auxiliary particle filters, An iterative version of the adaptive Gaussian mixture filter, Importance sampling in path space for diffusion processes with slow-fast variables, Limit theorems for weighted samples with applications to sequential Monte Carlo methods, Stability of sequential Monte Carlo samplers via the Foster-Lyapunov condition, Sequential Monte Carlo estimation of aerosol size distributions, Multivariate discount weighted regression and local level models, A stable estimator of the information matrix under EM for dependent data, Sequential Monte Carlo for rare event estimation, On sequential Monte Carlo, partial rejection control and approximate Bayesian computation, Filtering via approximate Bayesian computation, Four encounters with system identification, Semi-parametric dynamic time series modelling with applications to detecting neural dynamics, Bayesian inference with optimal maps, Interacting Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for solving nonlinear measure-valued equations, Sequential Monte Carlo pricing of American-style options under stochastic volatility models, On solving integral equations using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, Noise reduction via harmonic estimation in Gaussian and non-Gaussian environments, Analysis of a sequential Monte Carlo method for optimization in dynamical systems, A nonasymptotic theorem for unnormalized Feynman-Kac particle models, Generalized rejection sampling schemes and applications in signal processing, Dynamic detection of change points in long time series, Path sampling with stochastic dynamics: some new algorithms, Adaptive deadband control of a drifting process with unknown parameters, Factor stochastic volatility with time varying loadings and Markov switching regimes, Convergence of adaptive mixtures of importance sampling schemes, \(\Pi\)4U: a high performance computing framework for Bayesian uncertainty quantification of complex models, Sequential Monte Carlo smoothing with application to parameter estimation in nonlinear state space models, Particle filtering approximations for a Gaussian-generalized inverse Gaussian model, Generalized spectral testing for multivariate continuous-time models, Particle filters for continuous likelihood evaluation and maximisation, A mixed filter algorithm for cognitive state estimation from simultaneously recorded continuous and binary measures of performance, Adaptive weighting of local classifiers by particle filters for robust tracking, Long-term stability of sequential Monte Carlo methods under verifiable conditions, Bayes factor estimation for nonlinear dynamic state space models, Rate estimation in partially observed Markov jump processes with measurement errors, On the convergence of two sequential Monte Carlo methods for maximum a posteriori sequence estimation and stochastic global optimization, Optimal SIR algorithm vs. fully adapted auxiliary particle filter: a non asymptotic analysis, Tracking rapid intracellular movements: a Bayesian random set approach, Time series analysis via mechanistic models, Variational approximations in Bayesian model selection for finite mixture distributions, Mean-field variational approximate Bayesian inference for latent variable models, Interacting sequential Monte Carlo samplers for trans-dimensional simulation, Analysis of filtering and smoothing algorithms for Lévy-driven stochastic volatility models, Sequential calibration of options, Tree based functional expansions for Feynman--Kac particle models, Learning and inferring transportation routines, New forms of extended Kalman filter via transversal linearization and applications to structural system identification, A Bayes estimator of parameters of nonlinear dynamic systems, A Monte Carlo method for filtering a marked doubly stochastic Poisson process, Uniform time average consistency of Monte Carlo particle filters, Data assimilation for a quasi-geostrophic model with circulation-preserving stochastic transport noise, Model-based kernel sum rule: kernel Bayesian inference with probabilistic models, Moving target parameter estimation for MIMO radar based on the improved particle filter, Oversampled phase tracking in digital communications with large excess bandwidth, Two-stage algorithm for estimation of nonlinear functions of state vector in linear Gaussian continuous dynamical systems, Continuous-time and continuous-discrete-time unscented Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothers, Sequential Monte Carlo methods for contour tracking of contaminant clouds, Stochastic volatility models including open, close, high and low prices, Recursive Monte Carlo filters: algorithms and theoretical analysis, Error analysis of stochastic flight trajectory prediction models, Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Option Pricing, A Bayesian tutorial for data assimilation, A survey of numerical methods for nonlinear 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fractional stochastic volatility models, Limits of Accuracy for Parameter Estimation and Localization in Single-Molecule Microscopy via Sequential Monte Carlo Methods, Quantum machine learning: a classical perspective, Bayesian Variable Selection and Regularization for Time–Frequency Surface Estimation, Nonstandard conditionally specified models for nonignorable missing data, Improved Sampling‐Importance Resampling and Reduced Bias Importance Sampling, Unnamed Item, A Survey of Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Economics and Finance, Sequential Data Assimilation Techniques in Oceanography, State-space models for count time series with excess zeros, Likelihood-free stochastic approximation EM for inference in complex models, Bayesian inversion in resin transfer molding, A new iterative approach for multi-objective fault detection observer design and its application to a hypersonic vehicle, Monte Carlo Methods for the Neutron Transport Equation, State Space Modeling & Bayesian Inference with Computational Intelligence, Optimizing Weighted Ensemble Sampling of Steady States, Numerical Approximation of the Frobenius--Perron Operator using the Finite Volume Method, Iterative Importance Sampling Algorithms for Parameter Estimation, PARTICLE FILTER BASED MULTI-CAMERA INTEGRATION FOR FACE 3D-POSE TRACKING, Analysis and optimization of weighted ensemble sampling, Smoothing With Couplings of Conditional Particle Filters, Ensemble Kalman Methods for High-Dimensional Hierarchical Dynamic Space-Time Models, A dynamic fusion system for fast nuclear source detection and localization with mobile sensor networks, Estimating the uncertainty in underresolved nonlinear dynamics, Practical Filtering with Sequential Parameter Learning, Accuracy of Some Approximate Gaussian Filters for the Navier--Stokes Equation in the Presence of Model Error, Lifted Bayesian Filtering in Multiset Rewriting Systems, On the Use of Particle Filters for Bayesian Image Restoration, Maximum Likelihood 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