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zbMath0774.90018MaRDI QIDQ4002751

Robert E. jun. Lucas, Nancy L. Stokey

Publication date: 18 September 1992

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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complex economic environment: The potential of meta-analysis and value transfer, Exploring efficiency differences over time in the Spanish banking industry, Entrepreneurship and government subsidies: a general equilibrium analysis., Repeated games with almost-public monitoring, Dynamic complexity of optimal paths and discount factors for strongly concave problems, Optimal growth models and the Lagrange multiplier, Simulation-based estimation of dynamic models with continuous equilibrium solutions, Ambiguous partially observable Markov decision processes: structural results and applications, The effect of interest rates on consumption in an income fluctuation problem, Variational formulation of a general equilibrium model with incomplete financial markets and numeraire assets: existence, Reference points and learning, Unbounded dynamic programming via the Q-transform, On the sensitivity of optimal growth paths, The role of theory in econometrics, Complex optimal policies in an 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