Cores of convex games

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DOI10.1007/BF01753431zbMath0222.90054WikidataQ55980201 ScholiaQ55980201MaRDI QIDQ2547868

Lloyd S. Shapley

Publication date: 1971

Published in: International Journal of Game Theory (Search for Journal in Brave)

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Subadditive and Homogeneous of Degree One Games Are Totally Balanced, CONVEX GAMES VERSUS CLAN GAMES, On the convexity of independent set games, Semimodular Functions and Combinatorial Geometries, A short proof of convexity of step-out-step-in sequencing games, A class of general transformation of characteristic functions in dynamic games, Computing payoff allocations in the approximate core of linear programming games in a privacy-preserving manner, Cores and related solution concepts for multi-choice games, A bankruptcy problem and an information trading problem: Applications tok-convex games, Submodular reassignment problem for reallocating agents to tasks with synergy effects, Equilibria of nonatomic anonymous games, TWISTED DUAL GAMES AND THEIR PROPERTIES, Efficient Computation of Optimal Auctions via Reduced Forms, Collaborative Operating Room Planning and Scheduling, Computing Near-Optimal Stable Cost Allocations for Cooperative Games by Lagrangian Relaxation, Minimal models for graph-related (hyper)operads, Finding the Set of k-additive Dominating Measures Viewed as a Flow Problem, Computing Superdifferentials of Lovász Extension with Application to Coalitional Games, Network Essence: PageRank Completion and Centrality-Conforming Markov Chains, Theory of Principal Partitions Revisited, Ambiguity and the Bayesian Paradigm, The general compromise value for cooperative games with transferable utility, A Generalized Polymatroid Approach to Stable Matchings with Lower Quotas, Adaptive Submodular Ranking and Routing, Strongly Time-Consistent Core in Differential Games with Discrete Distribution of Random Time Horizon, A Solution Concept Related to “Bounded Rationality” for some Two-Echelon Models, CONVEXITY IN STOCHASTIC COOPERATIVE SITUATIONS, Reflective Evolution Under Strategic Uncertainty, Causal structures from entropic information: geometry and novel scenarios, Computational Models for Cumulative Prospect Theory: Application to the Knapsack Problem Under Risk, CONVEXITY OF THE "AIRPORT PROFIT GAME" AND k-CONVEXITY OF THE "BANKRUPTCY GAME", LARGENESS OF THE CORE OF k-CONVEX SYMMETRIC GAMES, SOME EXCESS-BASED SOLUTIONS FOR COOPERATIVE GAMES WITH TRANSFERABLE UTILITY, Cooperative Games (Von Neumann-Morgenstern Stable Sets), Cooperative Games, Cost Sharing in Production Economies, ON COOPERATIVE GAMES RELATED TO MARKET SITUATIONS AND AUCTIONS, ON THE SUPERMODULARITY OF HOMOGENEOUS OLIGOPOLY GAMES, Pure Bargaining Problems and the Shapley Rule, THE DUTTA-RAY SOLUTION ON THE CLASS OF CONVEX GAMES: A GENERALIZATION AND MONOTONICITY PROPERTIES, LINK MONOTONIC ALLOCATION SCHEMES, Some results on cooperative interval games, The core of games on ordered structures and graphs, COLLECTING INFORMATION TO IMPROVE DECISION-MAKING, EQUILIBRIUM IN A DISCRETE EXCHANGE ECONOMY WITH REGIONAL SUB-ECONOMIES, Adjacency on polymatroids, On a class of market games, (AVERAGE-) CONVEXITY OF COMMON POOL AND OLIGOPOLY TU-GAMES, An analysis of approximations for maximizing submodular set functions—I, Characterizations ofk-Convex Games, The Shapley Value as a Sustainable Cooperative Solution in Differential Games of Three Players, NON‐LINEAR PRICING AS A COOPERATIVE GAME, Linear-State Differential Games in Partition Function Form, FISHERY MANAGEMENT GAMES: HOW TO ADMIT NEW MEMBERS AND REDUCE HARVESTING LEVELS, A Hierarchical Model for Cooperative Games, Cooperative grey games and the grey Shapley value, A review on cost allocation methods in collaborative transportation, Augmenting and Decreasing Systems, GENERALIZED CORES AND STABLE SETS FOR FUZZY GAMES, THE MARGINAL OPERATORS FOR GAMES ON CONVEX GEOMETRIES, A COMPUTATIONAL APPROACH TO THE COINCIDENCE OF EGALITARIAN SOLUTIONS FOR COST-SHARING GAMES, Monotonicity and Weighted Prenucleoli: A Characterization Without Consistency, Collaboration in Cargo Transportation, Game-Theoretic Learning and Allocations in Robust Dynamic Coalitional Games, Cores of games with restricted cooperation, A NOTE ON NTU CONVEXITY AND POPULATION MONOTONIC ALLOCATION SCHEMES, Nonadditive measures and nonlinear integrals —focusing on a theoretical aspect—, THE RIVER SHARING PROBLEM: A SURVEY, Monotonicity and Solidarity Axioms in Economics and Game Theory, COST SHARING IN NETWORKS: SOME OPEN QUESTIONS, Revenue Sharing in Airline Alliance Networks, Representation of the core of convex measure games via Kantorovich potentials, Job scheduling, cooperation, and control, The irreducible Core of a minimum cost spanning tree game, A further discussion on fuzzy interval cooperative games, Generalized permutahedra: Minkowski linear functionals and Ehrhart positivity, Axiomatic characterizations of the core without consistency, On Groves mechanisms for costly inclusion, On the selection of an optimal outer approximation of a coherent lower probability, Allocating revenues in a Smart TV ecosystem, Cooperative game‐theoretic features of cost sharing in location‐routing, Algebraic structures in statistical 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Abstracts from the workshop held December 4--10, 2022, Centroids of the core of exact capacities: a comparative study, Weighted average-convexity and Shapley values, Rumors' spread: a game theoretical approach with the replicator dynamics, Outer Approximations of Coherent Lower Probabilities Using Belief Functions, The core of a transferable utility game as the solution to a public good market demand problem, Balanced capacities, New results for multi-issue allocation problems and their solutions, Selfish-dilemma consensus analysis for group decision making in the perspective of cooperative game theory, Core stability of the Shapley value for cooperative games, Sharing a collective probability of success, Communication restriction-based characteristic function in differential games on networks, Sharing cost of network among users with differentiated willingness to pay, Cumulative prospect theory and imprecise risk, Discrete convexity and equilibria in economies with indivisible goods and money, Conflict and cooperation. The structure of equilibrium payoffs in common agency, Nonmonotonic Choquet integrals, On the convexity of games corresponding to sequencing situations with due dates., Average monotonic cooperative games, Cost allocation for less-than-truckload collaboration among perishable product retailers, An efficient characterization of submodular spanning tree games, Project games, Allocating joint costs by means of the nucleolus, A polymatroid associated with convex games, Modeling attitudes towards uncertainty and risk through the use of Choquet integral, The demand commitment bargaining and snowballing cooperation, Extensions of solution concepts by means of muliplicative \(\epsilon\)-tax games, Extreme convex set functions with many nonnegative differences, Activity optimization games with complementarity, Solution concepts of \(k\)-convex \(n\)-person games, Stability of the core mapping in games with a countable set of players, A marginalistic value for monotonic set games, On indepedence for non-additive measures, with a Fubini theorem, The modified nucleolus: Properties and axiomatizations, Neutral veto correspondences with a continuum of alternatives, Communication and its cost in graph-restricted games, On the complexity of testing membership in the core of min-cost spanning tree games, Minimum cost forest games, The core of an economy with multilateral environmental externalities, Convexity of integer veto and elimination procedures, Core equivalence theorems for infinite convex games, Generalized polymatroids and submodular flows, Some characterizations of lower probabilities and other monotone capacities through the use of Möbius inversion, Congestion effects in a public-good economy, On the game-theoretic structure of public-good economies, On the cores of cooperative games and the stability of the Weber set, Sequencing games, The museum pass game and its value., Extreme points of credal sets generated by 2-alternating capacities, The minimum cost spanning forest game, Game theory and the Tennessee Valley Authority, Convex games without side payments, Information market games, Super-modularity: Applications to convex games and to the greedy algorithm for LP, Comparative cooperative game theory, Cost allocation: The traveling salesman, bin packing, and the knapsack, Cooperative games with large cores, Fair cost allocations under conflicts - a game-theoretic point of view -, Compromise solutions for bankruptcy situations with references, Sequencing games with repeated players, Minimal large sets for cooperative games, \(p\)-additive games: a class of totally balanced games arising from inventory situations with temporary discounts, Monotonicity of solutions in certain dynamic cooperative games, A note on the permutationally convex games, Production-inventory games and PMAS-games: Characterizations of the Owen point, On the use of capacities in modeling uncertainty aversion and risk aversion, Proportional scheduling, split-proofness, and merge-proofness, Computing the cores of strategic games with punishment-dominance relations, Global games, Cooperative behavior in a competitive market, Evaluating cooperative game theory in water resources, Characterizations of monotone and 2-monotone capacities, von Neumann-Morgenstern stable sets of income tax rates in public good economies, Effects of uncertainty aversion on the call option market, Equivalence of permutation polytopes corresponding to strictly supermodular functions, Population monotonic allocation schemes for cooperative games with transferable utility, Game theoretic modeling of increasing returns to scale, Weighted values and the core, Paths on polymatroids, Clan games, A characterization of convex games by means of bargaining sets, On the core, the Weber set and convexity in games with a priori unions, Generalized finite differences and Bayesian conditioning of Choquet capacities, The core and the Weber set of games on augmenting systems, The lattice of embedded subsets, A stochastic bargaining process for \(n\)-person games, Extreme convex set functions with finite carrier: General theory, Monge extensions of cooperation and communication structures, How to share the cost of a public good, Convex games and extreme points, Submodular function minimization, Asymptotic value of games with a continuum of players, Degree of imprecision: geometric and algorithmic approaches, Regular population monotonic allocation schemes, Production-inventory games: A new class of totally balanced combinatorial optimization games, Farsighted coalitional stability in TU-games, Selecting equilibria in common agency games, Random and fuzzy sets in coarse data analysis, The Shapley value and average convex games, A faster strongly polynomial time algorithm for submodular function minimization, Sure wins, separating probabilities and the representation of linear functionals, A characterization of the nucleolus for convex games, The coalitional rationality of the Shapley value, Efficient private production of public goods under common agency, Extended cooperative networks games, The product of capacities and belief functions, On the concavity of delivery games, On core stability, vital coalitions, and extendability, Convex games with an infinite number of players and sequencing situations, Convex interval games, Limit laws for non-additive probabilities and their frequentist interpretation, Network flow problems and permutationally concave games, \(k\)-balanced games and capacities, A necessary and sufficient condition for the convexity in oligopoly games, \(k\)-order additive discrete fuzzy measures and their representation, The epsilon core of a large replica game, The Shapley transfer value without zero weights, Properties of 1-convex \(n\)-person games, On the contribution of an additional player to a convex game, The \(\tau\)-value, the core and semiconvex games, Minimarg and maximarg operators, Expected utility with lower probabilities

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